Sunday, September 10, 2006

Indian Run Modification

This drill turned out to be fairly fun and good for striking, breathing, and concentration. We actually walked through this drill instead of running.

Form a line and begin walking or running. The person in the back strikes the person in front of them, and that person strikes the person in front of them, etc., until the person in the front of the line is struck. The person in the back who struck first must run to the front of the line in order to get struck. This drill turned out to a little challening with respect to concentration. I definitely had a hard time remembering to strike when I had been struck, or running to the front of the line after striking from the back of the line. This drill can become challenging by making the striking happen faster, running faster, hitting deeper, etc.

A few modifications of the drill were tried as well:

1) Instead of starting from the back, the person in front will turn and face the person behind them and strike them, and that person will turn around to strike the person behind them, etc. The person in front will run to the back in time to receive a strike from the person at the end of the line.

2) Do the drill while duckwalking.

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